Toltrazuril is a broad-spectrum, highly effective, low-toxic anticoccidial drug

Toltrazuril is a triazinone compound and is a new broad-spectrum special anticoccidial drug. It is widely used in chicken coccidiosis worldwide. This product is a new broad-spectrum, high-efficiency, low-toxic anticoccidial drug of triazinone. The mechanism of action is to interfere with the nuclear division and mitochondria of the coccidia, affect the respiration and metabolic functions of the worm, and cause the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell to expand and cause severe vacuolation, thereby causing the death of the coccidia. It mainly acts on the stage of coccidial schizont reproduction and gamete reproduction. It can kill chicken pile type, Brinell, giant, mild, poisonous, Eimeria tenella, etc. It is also sensitive to insect strains resistant to other coccidiosis drugs. It has an effect on two asexual cycles of coccidiosis, such as inhibiting the mitosis of schizonts, small gametophytes, and wall forming bodies of small gametophytes. Toltrazuril does not affect the immunity of chickens against coccidiosis, the safety range is also relatively large, and birds can tolerate more than 10 times the recommended dose.

Totrazuli has a wide range of action sites on coccidia, and has an effect on both asexual cycles of coccidia, such as inhibiting schizonts, mitotic division of small gametophytes, and wall forming bodies of small gametophytes. Toltrazuril interferes with the nuclear division and mitochondria of coccidia, affects the respiration and metabolic functions of the worm, and in addition, it can expand the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell and cause severe cavitation, thus having a coccidiosis effect.

About 50% of totrazuli taken from poultry is absorbed. After absorption, the drug is mainly collected in the liver and kidney, but it is quickly metabolized into sulfone compounds. The half-life of the drug in chicks is about 2 days. However, according to the data, it was confirmed that toltrazuril remained in the edible tissues of chickens for a long time, and the residual drug could still be detected in the pectoral muscle after 24 days of drug withdrawal.

It is mainly used for poultry coccidiosis, for chicken pile type, Brinell, tender, giant, poisonous, mitigating Eimeria, turkey Eimeria, turkey Eimeria and goose Eimeria Echinococcus and Eimeria truncata have a good killing effect. It is mainly used for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis such as poultry, sheep and rabbits.

Post time: Jun-11-2020