The functional characteristics of amino acid fertilizer

1. The mixed use of multiple amino acids has a better nutritional effect. The fertilizer effect of most amino acids applied alone is lower than that of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer with equal nitrogen content. The fertilizer effect of mixed amino acids is higher than that of single amino acids with equal nitrogen content, and also higher than that of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer with equal nitrogen content.

Amino acid powder 45%

2. Fast fertilizer efficiency, amino acids in organic fertilizers can be directly absorbed by various organs of plants, and significant effects can be observed in a short period of time after use. Inorganic and organic fertilizers need to be degraded and passively absorbed or permeated under photosynthesis.

3. Amino acids are promoters and catalysts for the synthesis of various enzymes in plants, playing an important role in plant metabolism.

4. The application of amino acid chelating micro fertilizers can easily carry the necessary trace elements into the plant body, improve the utilization efficiency of various nutrients, significantly increase crop yield, and improve the quality of agricultural products.


Post time: Apr-12-2024