Oxyflurane standard is a low toxicity, diphenyl ether contact herbicide

Oxyfluorfen Standard is a diphenyl ether contact herbicide, which mainly completes the weeding effect under direct sunlight. Its content and dosage form mainly include 20% missible oil, 24% missible oil and 240 g / L missible oil. Oxyfluorfen Standard is effective for a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as ginger, vegetable peanut, vegetable soybean, potato and hemp yam. Among them, the use of ginger is spraying before spraying. Among them, the average need to use 20% missible oil 50-60 ml per mu, or 24% missible oil or 240 g/L missible oil 40-50 ml, 30-40 kg of water evenly spray. For potato and hemp yam, the application method is the same as that of ginger. They are all applied before seedling after sowing (potatoes should be covered with 2 cm of soil). One acre needs to use 20% missible oil 60-70 ml, or 24% missible oil or 240 g/l missible oil 50-60 ml, 30-40 kg of water evenly spray. For Eggplant and melon vegetables, we need to use different dosage methods and doses. Eggplant and fruit vegetables should be treated before transplantation, and then transplanted and planted. It should be noted that oxyfluorfen standard is a compound herbicide produced by mixing a variety of herbicide components, which needs to be evenly applied.

Oxyfluorfen Standard is a herbicide product with a wide range of herbicide spectrum. It can be combined with a variety of herbicides to expand the herbicide spectrum and improve the efficacy. It is easy to use. It can be treated before and after bud. Popularizing oxyfluorfen standard  or its mixture is an ideal choice.

Oxyflurane standard is a selective herbicide in pre seedling treatment, and a destructive herbicide in early post seedling application. It can effectively control all kinds of annual weeds at an appropriate dose. Therefore, directional spraying in the suitable period of corn seedling can not only kill all kinds of broad-leaved weeds, sedge grass and grasses, but also have good soil sealing effect, so its holding period is longer than that of general soil treatment agents and post seeding directional spray agents, and the herbicidal effect is good. Because it has no internal absorption and conduction effect, the drift drug damage to corn is also easy to control and recover quickly.

Oxyflurane standard is used for directional spraying in the early stage after weeds, and also used for weeding in all kinds of orchard.

Oxyflurane standard is a herbicide with special effect on Euphorbia, which has the advantages of less dosage and low cost. At the same time, because of its wide spectrum of killing weeds, one-time medication can also solve the harm of other weeds in rice fields.

Selective pre bud or post bud herbicides. It is used in cotton, onion, peanut, soybean, sugar beet, fruit tree and vegetable fields before and after bud to control barnyardgrass, Sesbania, dry bromegrass, Dogtail grass, Datura stramonium, creeping ice grass, ragweed, thorn yellow flower twist, jute, field mustard monocotyledons and broad-leaved weeds.



Post time: Nov-24-2021