Mucuna pruriens can be a great way to improve the health of the reproductive and nervous systems

Mucuna pruriens is a very popular Ayurvedic herb used in medicinal purposes. It is a renowned herbal Aphrodisiac which increases the testosterone level and sperm count. The herb is also useful for losing weight and building lean muscles, making it a popular sport medicine among body builders and athletes. Mucuna pruriens is likewise a good anti-depressant and mood enhancer.

The Mucuna pruriens is a highly regarded herb in India ever since the ancient times due to its aphrodisiac properties. It is often rendered as the seed that enhances sexual strength and functioning. The Mucuna herb is also used as an anthelmintic in traditional medicine.

The herb is also known in various common names such as cowitch, cowhage and velvet bean. It is infamous due to the intense itchiness it gives rise to upon contact with the herb’s seed pods and young foliage. Nowadays, Mucuna pruriens is available in capsule forms too.

Mucuna Pruriens Benefits 

1.The herb contains L-dopa which helps cure Parkinson’s disease. L-dopa invigorates the brain cells, making it an excellent supplement to stay healthy, both physically and psychologically.

2.This herb has antioxidant properties that ward off free radicals and delay the aging process.

The Mucuna herb prevents hormonal imbalance which is the number one cause of reproductive problems. It also helps in the proper metabolic body functions.

3.The herb proves useful in treating sexual health issues affecting people of both genders.

4.Mucuna Pruriens’ blood purification property makes it an effective remedy for snake bite poisoning as it flushes out the toxins from the body.

4.Furthermore, Mucuna pruriens has anti-depressant properties which help the nerve cells to relax and also reduce the chances of nervous system disorders such as depression, anxiety and stress. It also helps in getting a good sleep and treat insomnia troubles.

5.Breastfeeding mothers also benefit from taking the mucuna herb by supplying adequate nutrients, boosting the quantity and quality of breast milk the mother produces.

6.The active nutrients found in this herb prevent fatigue problems as well as intensify the person’s energy level.

7.The herb is enriched with antispasmodic properties which lower the chances of digestive problems like stomach pain and spasms. It also improves the production of certain digestive enzymes such as amylase, pancreatin and lipase.

Mucuna Pruriens Side Effects

1.Nausea, which may range from mild to severe, can make the person vomit and lose appetite temporarily.

2.Severe irritation occurs when one touches the herb’s stingy hair. Frequent headaches, insomnia or heart palpitations may also be experienced, including hallucinations, delusions, agitation and confusion.

3.People who have heart or liver problems, diabetes, peptic ulcer and skin cancer, including those who are scheduled for surgery should not take mucuna pruriens.

Post time: Jul-31-2020