Metolachlor is an amide selective herbicide for soil treatment.

Metolachlor is a selective soil treatment agent before sprouts. It is mainly applied to the cruciferous vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, cabbage and radish before sowing. It can also be applied to spray soil before planting or after seeding in celery, carrot, leek, garlic and other vegetables. It can also be used to treat soil with directional spraying after solanacea fruit planting or seedling slow seeding, and also achieve better weeding effect. It is safe for the above crops. The drug has good effects on annual gramineous weeds and some dicotyledonous weeds. Improper use of the drug will cause slight damage to cruciferous vegetables. In case of drought, the weeding effect is poor. Mixing soil after medication is conducive to improving the weeding effect. The effective period of metolachlor was 30 ~ 35 days, and the activity disappeared naturally 10 ~ 12 weeks after application. Monocotyledonous gramineous weeds are mainly absorbed by bud sheaths, while dicotyledonous weeds are absorbed by buds and roots and conduct upward to inhibit the growth of buds and fine roots. Sensitive weeds are poisoned and die after germination, before or just after excavation. The absorption capacity of gramineous weeds is stronger than that of broad-leaved weeds. The drug should be applied 3 ~ 5 days before transplanting and 1 ~ 2 days after sowing in direct seeding field before emergence. The drug is easy to be degraded by soil microorganisms and has a medium duration. Metolachlor can be used in dry land crops, vegetable crops, orchards and nurseries to prevent and eliminate annual gramineous weeds such as tendon grass, horse Tang, Dogtail grass and cotton grass, broad-leaved weeds such as amaranth and purslane, broken rice sedge and oil sedge. Metolachlor is mainly absorbed by buds and conducted upward to inhibit the growth of buds and roots. The main mechanism of action is to inhibit the protein synthesis of germinated seeds, and then inhibit the penetration of choline into phospholipids and interfere with the formation of lecithin. Because the ability of gramineous weeds to absorb metolachlor is stronger than that of broad-leaved weeds, the effect of this drug on controlling gramineous weeds is much better than that of broad-leaved weeds.

In addition, metolachlor is also used to:

Direct seeding sweet pepper, cabbage, radish, radish, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, rape, watermelon, broccoli and other vegetable fields were used for weeding. After sowing to seedling emergence, the soil was treated with 100 grams of 72% EC and spray with water.

After transplanting seedlings, such as cabbage, cauliflower, sweet (spicy) pepper, etc, the soil was treated with 100 grams of 72% missible oil and water spray.



Post time: Nov-24-2021