CPPU(chlorophenylurea) is a phenylurea plant growth regulator with cytokinin activity

CPPU(Chlorophenylurea) is a phenylurea plant growth regulator with cytokinin activity. Although it has no purine ring, it has cytokinin activity, but its biological activity is 10-100 times higher than that of 6-Benzylaminopurine. Promote chlorophyll synthesis, improve photosynthetic efficiency, prevent plant senescence and keep green; Break the apical advantage and promote the growth of lateral buds; Promote fruit enlargement and fruit setting, and induce parthenocarpy; It can be used as fruit protecting agent and expanding agent. It is widely used in agriculture, horticulture and fruit trees to promote cell division, cell expansion and elongation and fruit hypertrophy; Increase production; Preservation, etc. CPPU(Chlorophenylurea) has high activity of cell division. It can accelerate crop cell division, promote cell growth and differentiation, prevent fruit and flower abscission, promote flower bud differentiation and accelerate bud formation. At the same time, it can promote the growth function of stem, leaf, root and fruit, promote crop growth and early maturity, delay leaf senescence in the later stage of crops, increase yield and improve quality. It is mainly manifested in: ① the function of CPPU(chlorophenylurea) to promote the growth of stems, leaves, roots and fruits. For example, when used in tobacco planting, it can make leaves hypertrophy and increase production. ②CPPU(chlorophenylurea) promoted the results. It can increase the output of fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes (tomatoes), eggplants and apples. ③CPPU(chlorophenylurea) accelerated fruit thinning and defoliation. Fruit thinning can increase fruit yield, improve quality and make fruit size uniform. For cotton and soybeans, falling leaves make harvesting easy. ④ When the concentration is high, it can be used as herbicide. ⑤ Others. Such as the drying effect of cotton, sugar beet and sugarcane increase sugar content, etc.

CPPU(chlorophenylurea) is a broad-spectrum and multipurpose plant growth regulator. CPPU(chlorophenylurea) induced callus growth and budding of many crops at the concentration of 1 mg / L. Spray the young fruit with 20 mg / L 30 days after peach flowering to increase the fruit size, promote coloring and improve the quality. Chinese kiwifruit was soaked with 5 ~ 10 mg / L 20 ~ 30 days after flowering to promote fruit hypertrophy.



Post time: Nov-29-2021