Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a natural weight loss product

Linoleic acid is known to be one of the many fatty acids that make up fat.Conjugated Linoleic Acid, or CLA. Originally isolated from the university of Wisconsin, USA, this is a polyunsaturated fatty Acid commonly found in lamb, beef, butter, yoghurt and cheese.
Trans fatty acids are generally considered bad eggs, and while they are not harmful in large amounts, they have long been discredited. But in trans fats, there is a fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid, which is not harmful. On the contrary, when consumed in moderation, it can bring many benefits, one of which is fat loss.
CLA inhibits the activity of lipoprotein lipase in fat cells, prevents the degradation of apolipoprotein B and A, promotes the transport and mobilization of fat, and inhibits the synthesis of fat to play the role of reducing fat. Some studies have also suggested that CLA can improve the speed limiting enzyme of fat metabolism, such as hormone sensitive activity, accelerate the degradation of fat and prevent the deposition of fat. In general, there are three main aspects about the weight loss mechanism of CLA:
1. CLA inhibited the proliferation of fat cells and induced their apoptosis to achieve the effect of weight loss,
2. CLA speeds up energy metabolism and lipids reduce body fat accumulation,
3. Reducing fat is mediated by the CLA, which lowers levels of leptin in the blood.
Simply put, CLA can improve metabolism and accelerate abnormal burning, which is also the main basis for CLA to exert body management. Therefore, young people who want to manage their own body can try it.
Recently, more and more clinical studies have proved that CLA excellence in weight control, because ordinary people to lose weight will only focus on the reduction of “heavy” rather than “fat”, that is to say, body fat ratio does not necessarily will have changed, people lose weight if you can cooperate with the use of CLA, can effectively reduce the body fat relative to lean tissue, the ratio of real to fat, and make the lean meat rate rise, so are the benefits of lean lean, the more the body metabolism ability is higher, and a virtuous circle, and weight loss will be easier to achieve a goal. In addition, clinically found that taking the person reduce weight CLA, emotional stability is higher, compared to plan reducing weight can perserve, sleep and mental health is good, and research report pointed out that CLA can avoid the yo-yo dieters appear (yoyo) symptoms, helps the dieters in weight and fat, fat and reduce the vicious cycle. Conjugated linoleic acid has been added to some diet foods, is a natural weight loss products.
Conjugated linoleic acid has long been known, but its important physiological function was discovered only in the late last century. A large number of scientific studies have proved that conjugated linoleic acid has many important physiological functions, such as anti-tumor, anti-oxidation, anti-atherosclerosis, improving immunity, improving bone density, preventing and treating diabetes, etc. It also lowers animal and human cholesterol as well as triglyceride and LDL cholesterol. It also lowers animal and human fat and increases muscle mass.
Dose and safety:Most CLA studies used doses of 3.2 to 6.4 grams per day.Doses of up to 6 grams per day are considered safe and no serious adverse side effects have been reported in humans.
Remember, however, that the risk of side effects increases with the dose.Studies have shown that conjugated linoleic acid has a limited effect on weight loss.
Finally, for many dietary supplement manufacturers of CLA supplements, it should be added that any dietary supplement is only a supplement, and does not in itself replace the value of food, so it is important to eat a reasonable diet.

Post time: Apr-26-2020