Chrysanthemum Extract could become a safe option to treat various health ailments

Scientific research has discovered that Chrysanthemum extract contains high assay of flavonoid compounds like luteolin, apigenin and acacetin, choline, and Vitamin B1. It is also a good source of Vitamins C and A, Niacin, Folic acid and Pantothenic acid.

Chrysanthemum tea contains high amounts of Beta Carotene which are present in the yellow part of the flower. The Beta Carotene is converted in Vitamin A in the liver. This kind of Vitamin A is helpful in treating skin problems and increasing the immunity power. It also helps in postponing the aging process and age related blindness.

Chrysanthemum is also a good source of B Vitamins such as Choline, Folic Acid, Niacin, and Riboflavin. It also contains Vitamin C which reduces the risks of scurvy and protects the eyes.

In addition, Chrysanthemum tea also has minerals like Calcium which is important for the teeth and bones, Iron which helps in the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells, Magnesium which is required by more than three hundred kinds of bodily functions as well as Potassium which is needed for proper cardiovascular functioning and stabilizing the blood pressure.

Chrysanthemum is also laden with adenine, amino acids and glycosides.

1. Eye Health

Against various eye problems, chrysanthemum tea has proved its worth. For people who have unstable vision, chrysanthemum tea improves the sharpness of vision. For different eye problems, such as blurriness of vision, watering of eyes, and spotty vision, chrysanthemum tea is quite beneficial.

2. Blood Pressure & Cardiac Conditions

In Chinese Medicine “Liver yang rising” refers to the upward moving energy of the Liver which is often brought on by stress or anger. Symptoms that accompany this syndrome are dizziness, tinnitus, lightheadedness, and headaches associated with changes in blood pressure. Research supports that chrysanthemum is beneficial for treating cardiac and blood pressure problems.

3. Liver Detox & Blood Purification

Entering the Liver channel, Chrysanthemum plant extract excels at cooling the liver and thereby calming the nerves that are accompanied by stress and anger. It detoxes the Liver and can also help in lowering cholesterol. The mechanism for detoxing the Liver is that Chrysanthemum purify the blood by relieving the body of excess build-up of toxins. Drinking the tea at night not only purifies the blood but also provides relaxation of mind and body and can help with insomnia, especially if the cause is due to heat in the system.

4. Antibiotic & Antiviral Properties

Being high in Carotenoid, Flavanoid, Vitamins B & C, Chrysanthemum is a great herb for the common cold. It eases the heaviness in the head during a cold and provides relief in sinusitis discomfort. As a natural coolant its also effective in reducing any accompanying fever. As it also enters the Lung Channel, it is very helpful in strengthening the Lungs for the relief in sore throat, cough, and shortness of breath. The Chrysanthemum flowers have found to have antibiotic and antiviral properties under laboratory conditions.

5. Caffeine Free Relaxing Tea

Chrysanthemum tea is naturally caffeine free, hence, it is free from all the side effects of caffeine like anxiety, tension, irritation, nervousness and confusion.

Post time: Jul-31-2020