Arsanilic acid is used as an antibacterial and growth-promoting feed additive, mainly used to treat poultry bacterial infections

Arsanilic acid produces needle crystals from water. It is soluble in hot water, sodium carbonate aqueous solution, slightly soluble in cold water, ethanol and acetic acid, insoluble in acetone, benzene, chloroform and ether. It can react with nitrous acid to generate diazonium salt and participate in coupling reaction, and react with tin and hydrochloric acid to generate p,p′-diaminoarsenobenzene, its sodium salt can react with potassium iodide and sulfuric acid to generate p-iodoaniline. Arsanilic acid can be used as an arsenic preparation for pharmaceuticals, as an intermediate for azo dyes and organic synthesis reagents. It can also be used to promote chicken growth, increase egg production rate, control swine dysentery, and promote its growth.

Arsanilic acid is currently the preferred feed additive recommended for feeding antibiotics. It can promote the growth of livestock and poultry, improve feed efficiency, strengthen the body’s assimilation, promote protein synthesis, improve skin nutrition, and accelerate bone growth. This product has the effect of killing bacteria, protozoa and spirochetes, especially the inhibition of the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines of livestock and poultry has the same effect as antibiotics.


1. Promote the growth of livestock and poultry, improve feed efficiency, enhance the assimilation of animal body; promote protein synthesis; improve skin nutrition, accelerate gastric skeletal growth, activate bone marrow hematopoietic function, and promote the regeneration of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Experiments show that 45-900PPm, which can increase the egg production rate by 4-7%, and has a more obvious weight gain effect on young pigs.

2. It has the effects of killing bacteria, protozoa and spirochetes, especially inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines of livestock and poultry. It has the same effect as antibiotics. The experimental results confirmed that assanic acid can prevent and treat respiratory infectious diseases, blue crown disease and ball Insect diseases, and can prevent and treat bacterial dysentery, red dysentery, and salmonella infection of blood dysentery in pigs, so as to improve feed utilization, promote livestock and poultry growth and increase egg production rate.

Post time: Jun-17-2020