Anti-cancer, anti-cancer, anti-aging, antioxidant health care raw material — broccoli extract

The broccoli extract is rich in sulforaphane, so it has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects, removes lung bacteria, and prevents gout. At the same time, broccoli extract can also clear the body because of various other nutrients in broccoli. Free radicals, anti-aging, anti-oxidant effect. Probably the most significant effect of broccoli is that it can prevent cancer and anti-cancer. Broccoli contains more vitamin C, which is higher than that of Chinese cabbage, tomato, and celery, especially in the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer and breast cancer. Studies have shown that the level of selenium in the serum of the human body decreases significantly when suffering from gastric cancer, and the concentration of vitamin C in gastric juice is significantly lower than that of normal people, while broccoli can not only supplement people with a certain amount of selenium and vitamin C, but also supply abundant carrot It can prevent the formation of precancerous diseased cells and inhibit the growth of cancer. According to research by American nutritionists, there are also many indole derivatives in broccoli. This compound has the effect of reducing estrogen levels in the human body and can prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. In addition, research has shown that an enzyme extracted from broccoli can prevent cancer. This substance, called sulforaphane, can improve the activity of carcinogen detoxifying enzymes.

1. It can nourish kidney and fill essences, strengthen brain and bones, strengthen spleen and stomach;

2. Indications of chronic illness, weak limbs, soft limbs, tinnitus, forgetfulness, weak spleen and stomach, and stunting in children.

Some people’s skin will become bluish and bruised upon minor collisions and injuries. This is due to the lack of vitamin K in the body. The best way to supplement is to eat more broccoli.

Post time: Apr-01-2020