Stanozolol —–The most popular bodybuilding sterols

Stanozolol has achieved considerable success in the medical field and is still used regularly today. Like many other anabolic steroids, it was originally used to treat muscle wasting diseases, burn patients and osteoporosis. It is also used to treat bone fractures, and is successfully used to treat obesity in the case of hormone imbalance. Unlike many other anabolic steroids in the United States, the production of Stanozolol has always been approved by the FDA.


Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Specifically, it is a DHT hormone with structural changes. It is precisely because of these two special changes in DHT that Stanozolol is created.


Wide application in bodybuilding:

1. Reduce SHBG

Stanozolol has the ability to significantly reduce sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). In fact, data shows that Stanozolol can reduce SHBG by 50%. Higher SHBG means less free testosterone. When SHBG is lowered, the body will have more testosterone available for use.

2. Actively promote protein synthesis

Protein synthesis refers to the rate at which cells make protein, which is a component of muscle tissue. Stanozolol can vigorously promote the rate of protein synthesis, that is to say, greatly improve the efficiency of muscle gain.

3. Increase nitrogen retention

All muscle tissue is composed of 16% nitrogen. When there is not enough nitrogen retained in the muscles, our body will enter a catabolic state. Higher nitrogen retention means higher anabolism (muscle building) status.

4. Increase the number of red blood cells

Red blood cells are responsible for the delivery of oxygen in our blood. Stanozolol can increase the number of red blood cells, thereby increasing the flow rate of oxygen, which will help users have stronger muscle endurance.

5. Suppress cortisol

Glucocorticoids are usually called muscle-wasting hormones, which promote the increase of fat and muscle loss. Stanozolol can inhibit glucocorticoids. Although Stanozolol,s glucocorticoid inhibitory ability is not as strong as many other anabolic steroids, it can still have a very beneficial positive effect on users.


Post time: Oct-09-2020