Chamomile Extract—- Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer

Considered to be one of the most ancient and versatile medicinal herbs known to mankind, dried chamomile flowers have numerous, widespread health implications thanks to their high levels of disease-fighting antioxidants like terpenoids and flavonoids.

Chamomile’s vital antioxidants are found in the plant’s potent oils and are the main contributors to its natural healing properties.

As an effective alternative medicine with almost no known negative side effects, chamomile has been used for nearly 5,000 years in standardized tea, herbal extract and cosmetic forms to promote tranquility, vitality, a youthful appearance and longevity.

Chamomile plants are a member of the Asteraceae/Compositae family. There are two common types of chamomile used medicinally today: German chamomile (chamomillarecutita) and Roman chamomile (chamaemelumnobile).

The chamomile plant is native to Western Europe and Northern Africa, but these days it’s grown all around the world in different temperate regions.

The chamomile plant is native to Western Europe and Northern Africa, but these days it’s grown all around the world in different temperate regions.

Records show that chamomile benefits have been recognized for centuries, with the herb being used both medicinally and cosmetically. Germans have used chamomile to resolve digestive issues since at least the first century, and records show that Egyptians worshipped the plant and dedicated festivals to its healing properties. Egyptian noblewomen were known to crush chamomile flowers and apply them to their skin to preserve their youthful glow and naturally slow signs of aging.

Romans used chamomile as a medicinal herb to fight disease and promote longevity. Its healing qualities spread throughout Europe and eventually the British brought chamomile plants to North America. Doctors throughout Europe and in the early settlements of America included chamomile in their medicinal bags because it was able to reduce pain, inflammation, allergies and digestive issues. People also used it as a natural deodorant, shampoo and perfume.

Today, chamomile tea and herbal extracts are sold worldwide for human consumption. One cup of chamomile tea has two calories, two milligrams of sodium and no cholesterol. Chamomile is commonly used for improving many different health conditions, including:

1.anxiety and depression

2.seasonal allergies

3.inflammatory conditions

4.muscle spasms disorders

How can one herb do so much? Chamomile benefits our health by soothing the body, relieving mild pain, fighting skin irritations and helping to ease anxiety. Research also shows that drinking chamomile tea can help to improve sleep quality and fatigue, and even alleviate depression.

The list of ways that chamomile extract can be used is surprisingly long. Drinking chamomile tea is the most popular way to use this powerful herb. You can also diffuse chamomile essential oil at home, use the oil to soothe skin conditions. Chamomile extracts are also available and used to relieve digestive issues and promote liver detoxification.

Post time: Apr-03-2020